Friday, June 15, 2007

This is my baby!

Meet Dulcie!
She's my little kitty!
In this picture she was
exactly two weeks old.
Now she's one year and just recently
had kittens!
Later I will post pictures of her kittens.
(Their so cute!)
We got Dulcie from my dad's cousin's
friend.When we got her she had tons of fleas,
she had an eye problem and, she had ear mites!
Now she's a healthy mother of five and all her kittens Lived!

May her little soul rest in peace.
Dulcie died being spayed July 3rd 2007.
She had to many blood veins in the way and started bleeding. She lost to much blood
to replace. They tried a blood transfusion but it didn't work.We cherished and loved her
while she was still alive. Nothing could be done to help.We were all stunned. We never thought she
would die this way. Even though we don't have her, we have her kittens. Each one of them
are like her in one way or another. She was unhappy before we took her. Everybody loved


Unknown said...

aww that is sooooo sad im so sorry!!!!

Denise said...

Dear Cassia,

I'm so sorry about Dulcie. It's hard to say why these things happen. All we can do is hold her in our hearts. I'll be thinking of you . . . and of Dulcie.

