Saturday, June 16, 2007

Here They Are!

These are Dulcie's kittys!
The first one is named Mantra.The second one is
named Ruby. The third one is named
Jinji. The fourth one is named Socksie. Last but not least the fifth one is named Buddha.

Check This Out!

Check this out!!!
You can make figures just like the ones above!
There are thousands of different choices to make.
You can design your doll right down to the facial features!

The Cry

When people go by I think of that cry of some who must buy and not for them selves for some rich person that thinks they must die if whom does not buy. It is very rare to work for someone just as I speak of,though on a bleak winter day such bleak,bleak winter day, it's no such fun to be cold and weak in the snow that is oh so sleek.

This is Kaya

This is another one of my kitts ,Kaya.
(Or,used to be.)
We got Dulcie to liven up Kaya because he was acting old for his age.
But instead of making him happy it made him worse than he was before!
Kaya ran away a few weeks later.We were all devastated!
My whole family was having dreams about him living a nice happy life.
One day not to long ago he came back! I picked him up and
before I could shut the door he took one look at Dulcie and ran.
We never really had any more dreams about him after that.
I really miss him.

Friday, June 15, 2007

This is my baby!

Meet Dulcie!
She's my little kitty!
In this picture she was
exactly two weeks old.
Now she's one year and just recently
had kittens!
Later I will post pictures of her kittens.
(Their so cute!)
We got Dulcie from my dad's cousin's
friend.When we got her she had tons of fleas,
she had an eye problem and, she had ear mites!
Now she's a healthy mother of five and all her kittens Lived!

May her little soul rest in peace.
Dulcie died being spayed July 3rd 2007.
She had to many blood veins in the way and started bleeding. She lost to much blood
to replace. They tried a blood transfusion but it didn't work.We cherished and loved her
while she was still alive. Nothing could be done to help.We were all stunned. We never thought she
would die this way. Even though we don't have her, we have her kittens. Each one of them
are like her in one way or another. She was unhappy before we took her. Everybody loved

Hey Guys!!

Hi Everybody!
This is my blog and as you can
see it's called Soda Pop and Lemon Drops.
This tittle is dedicated to my 3rd grade teacher
who gives out lemon drops for rewards.